1)     What is your favourite book of all time?
Maybe Guns Germs and steel by Jared Diamond. Its a really interesting history of the last 10,000 years.
2)     Why do you love reading?
I think reading is a great way of following and developing your interests. If you have a mild interest in something and you discover a good book about it you can really start to get into it. it can open up a new world and lead you on to other books. If you follow your curiosity theres no end of places you can go.
3)     What advice would you give to both adults and children to help them to make more time for reading?
I usually carry a book with me, you can make use of your time on the train or if theres a delay. I go through phases of reading a lot and not reading at all depending where i am living and the circumstances, if i live in a quieter house with nice living room with no tv or distractions i will read a lot more. I dont have a tv in my place now and i think i probably read more because of it. Always have a bedside light and good book beside your bed.
4)     Is there a reading or book related memory/tip that you would like to share with young readers around the country?
Ask your friends what they enjoyed reading. I have friends that share similar interests and whenever i meet them we swap interesting books we have come across. There really is nothing better than being able to share a good book with someone.
5)     What are your must-reads 
a.     In literature
The Third Policeman – Flann O Briens
Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert M Pirsig
b.     Children’s book
Where the wild things are – Maurice Sendak.
Oh the places youll go – Dr Suess
Alice in wonderland – Lewis Carroll, is an amazing book for both children and adults.
i loved everything by Roald Dahl. I read ‘the twits’ for the readathon when i was very young and i loved it so much i read everything else by him.
c.      Adults book
The man who mistook his wife for a hat – Oliver Sacks
The selfish gene – Richard Dawkins
6)     Who is your favourite author?
I really enjoy the books of Jared Diamond, ‘Guns Germs and Steel’, ‘Collapse’ and ‘The Third Chimpanzee’. He writes about very interesting popular science and i saw him give a talk in foyles bookshop in london a few years ago.
7)     Where is your favourite place to read?
I tend to read more and i really enjoy reading when im away. on the beach or train or wherever. when im in london i mostly just read on my bed
8)     How did you get into writing?
im really more of an illustrator, i never wrote anything i was proud of while i was at school, i wasnt great at english and i was always pretty terrible at writing essays. I just focused on drawing and art. But after i finished art school i was doing illustrations for other peoples ideas and i thought i could try and give it a go myself. It didnt seem to be that hard. Actually it was harder than i thought, but i enjoyed the process almost more than i enjoyed doing the actual drawings. I dont know if i could write anything that didnt have pictures though, it’s the pictures that tell my stories.
9)   Any advice for budding authors?
im a budding author myself really. i think the main thing is to find an area or an interest you enjoy and dig deeper and follow your enthusiasm. if you continue along that path far enough you will always arrive somewhere interesting.