Letters from Cambridgeshire

As part of the READ IT AGAIN! event I was so happy to receive dozens of letters from young readers all across Cambridgeshire. I have posted some of them here. Thank you to all of the kids and schools. WOW! …. I am SO happy to get these. They are amazing! Thanks so much everyone


By |2020-05-13T12:50:03+00:00July 15th, 2011|1 Comment

Cambridgeshire Picture book of the year 2011

A Bit Lost won the Cambridgeshire READ IT AGAIN! Picture book of the year 2011!!!
It was voted by the children so Im particularly happy to get this award. Over 6,000 children read and voted for their favourite picture books. Im told the voting was very tight and A Bit Lost was up against some tough competition.. see the wonderful books that were also nominated here Thanks to everyone involved in this great event. It was organised by Richard Young and involved dozens of the libraries and schools all across Cambridgeshire. A really great idea to get children reading for fun and to give exposure to debut authors.
This is actually the 7th award A Bit Lost has now won in 4 countries (!!!) I just cant believe the response owl has had. The other awards are listed here
By |2020-05-13T12:50:04+00:00July 15th, 2011|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Dublin: design capital shortlist


A huge congratulations to the PIVOT Dublin team who got Dublin shortlisted for the World Design Capital 2014.

There are only 3 cities on the shortlist Dublin, Bilbao and Capetown They are doing an amazing job, follow them on twitter to see some of the amazing things going on in Dublin

Above are images i did for it earlier this year.


By |2020-05-13T12:50:04+00:00June 30th, 2011|0 Comments

People Tree book

I did an interview with People Tree for their upcoming book
Ive put this list together of interesting reading and talks about fair trade and sustainability on the web
really good talks on sustainability and a sort of think tank for long term thinking
nobel prize winning economist talks about reducing poverty
Their Interdependence Day event is very good
One of my favourite NGOs
I spoke at Offset design festival about my work and what started me in fair trade
By |2020-05-13T12:50:04+00:00June 23rd, 2011|Tags: |0 Comments

Culture Ireland: James Joyce’s Bloomsday


I did the illustrations for this innovative Bloomsday event. The idea is to celebrate Bloomsday in 5 major city parks across the US including Central Park in NYC, Venice Beach in LA, and also in Chicago, Boston and Washinton DC. Participants are asked to imagine Bloomsday and Dublin in a walk through their city parks. The concept and design was by Ciaran O’Gaora from zero-g here are other events tied in with Bloomsday in the parks.

There are adverts for this including a full page inthe New York Times and Time Out New York, but also in the Boston Phoenix, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, LA Weekly, Washington Post Express, Washington City Paper, the Irish Voice and Irish Echo.

Visit the Imagine Ireland site for more details and to download the park maps: http://www.imagineireland.ie/journey

Ulysses by James Joyce is the story of one man walking around a city on one day. The man was Leopold Bloom. The day, June 16th, has become known as Bloomsday, in celebration of his wanderings. This Bloomsday, Imagine Ireland invites you to walk through your park in your city and follow the journey of Ulysses.
Imagine Ireland is Culture Ireland’s year of Irish arts in America. Imagine Ireland is an invitation to experience the culture of Ireland as it lives and breathes today. Through a year long calendar of cultural events, Imagine Ireland brings Irish artists and creators across all artforms to an American audience, re-defining notions of Ireland and forging a fresh identity and future.

By |2020-05-13T12:50:04+00:00June 12th, 2011|0 Comments

The Law Centres | Shami Chakrabarti and Studioaka

I did these almost 2 years ago but only got around to uploading now… im really behind with updating work on here. These films were made with amazing people and im extremely proud of this project. Ive just been so busy so it took a long time to get around to uploading this.

One of my favourite animation directors, Marc Craste from Studioaka asked me to make two 1min videos to help explain to the public the free legal aid work of The Law Centres. Studioaka is perhaps my favourite animation studio anywhere. Their work is really outstanding (they did the Lost and Found film for Oliver Jeffers amongst many other great things) I used to work full time in aka but this is the first time i really worked with them properly as freelance. do check out their site if you havent seen their work. really amazing stuff.
I was given some of their legal case studies to base a story on and drew up a storyboard for the animations. Shami Chakrabarti then recorded the narration. Shami is the director of Liberty a human rights organisation and is an amazing activist personality in the UK. I was very honoured to meet her, she does really amazing work, have a look at her giving Geoff Hoon a bollicking …. so inspiring….brilliant stuff… 
I then worked with animators Nick Appleton and Mark Nute and also did some of the animation myself (the wonky bits are mine) The sound and music was done by Matt Wand who is one half of Stock, Hausen and Walkman. He created the music in Andrews Story by blowing over a milk bottle apparently. I actually wrote an essay about Stock, Hausen and Walkman while i was in college (!) so i was pretty excited to have a chance to work with Matt. Listen to some of their stuff on last.fm
I also did some little GIFs also for their keynote presentations. Click on the image to see it animate. 
These two animations for The Law Centres were in a series of four. The other two films were created by the v nice Bros McLeod. See their two lovely animations here and here.
Take a look at the Law Centres website below, they are a non-profit who provide free legal advice and representation to disadvantaged people…
By |2020-05-13T12:50:04+00:00June 2nd, 2011|Tags: , |0 Comments
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