
Im helping to set up a Pecha Kucha Night here in Kathmandu. ‘Pecha Kucha Night’ if you have not heard of it is a format that was devised in Japan as an event for people to meet, network, and show their work and ideas in public. It is a rapid slide-show of 20 slides x 20 seconds usually in a bar or informal environment. Im setting it up with my very good friend here Sujan Chitrakar (sujan is doing pretty much all of the organising it should be said). We met when I was doing an illustration workshop at Kathmandu University here last year. Sujan is the programme co-ordinator of KU and after the workshop over a few beers we had the idea of setting up events and talks outside the University structure as a way of engaging more people and creating an interesting event and environment. We started telling people about our great idea until it snowballed and then we couldnt really back out. We want to welcome people from diverse disciplines to participate and create a unique forum for Kathmandu.
Our first Pecha Kucha Night is the 27th March 2011 at the Attic Bar Lazimpat.

For more information see the facebook event or visit the map and details here
See you there!

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